• Rüdiger Baumberger

    Anthropologist and MBA

    Since I started to work for APA in 1996, I have been running through various positions, set up new departments, invented production tools, new services, products and platforms and was responsible for the transformation of organisations, teams and processes.


    In the years before I started working for APA, I pursued my studies in cultural anthropology, worked in various professions, and was a comedian and member of The Cabaretoholics group until the early 1990s. I spent many summers doing archaeological excavations and was involved in the development and construction of an archaeological open air museum.


    I am interested in science and philosophy and I love art, theatre, contemporary and classical music - especially when it is performed live in concert.


    National an international Organisations

    In October 2008 I was one of the delegates representing organisations from all over the European Union who - after twelve months of intense preparation - gathered in Brussels to found PDLN (Press Database and Licensing Network). Today PDLN is a London based international organisation with members coming from all continents. I am Board Member from the very beginning and I hhad the honour to chair the organsiation as president for two periods.


    I am deputy chairman of m|a|a - the association of Austrian audiovisual archives. And I am member of the AG Tagungen (program committee) of vfm - the association of German media archives.


  • Recommended Links



    The website of my wonderful wife Barbara

    Manfred Pilsz

    Leo Loges Logbuch

    The blog of my dear friend Manfred Pilsz

    Giulias Heart

    Giulia's Heart

    The kennel of my dog Pablo

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